Devil Xing Studios Privacy Policy

The privacy of users’ information carries top priority for Devil Xing Studio. We respect the privacy of over users. We consider our users really important & want them to know about how we collect and use information that you provide through our apps.

Personal Information of User:

Devil Xing Studio is committed to complying with the Children Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). We do not collect personal identifiable information from children below 13. We do not request that children provide us with personally identifiable information.

Collection of Non-Personal Information:

Devil Xing Studio does not collect any information from its users. Some information may be collected through third party services. They collect non-personal information from the user and the company makes sure to keep it separate from personal data.

Consent of User:

By using our apps you agree to the terms and conditions set forth. You agree to the collection of your personal information and if you don’t than you may not access our services.

Third Party Services

You may use third party services:

To obtain our software, applications and/or services (for example, a software marketplace); and/or

In conjunction with our software, applications and/or services (for example, a social networking website). Your use of these third party services may be subject to separate terms and conditions and privacy policies, and you acknowledge that we are not liable for the use of your personal information by any such third parties. We strongly recommend you read these third party policies, and the terms and conditions attaching to the third party offerings, prior to access or use. Here is a list of Third Party Services used by Devil Xing Studio.

Third Party Services

You may use third party services:

To obtain our software, applications and/or services (for example, a software marketplace); and/or

In conjunction with our software, applications and/or services (for example, a social networking website). Your use of these third party services may be subject to separate terms and conditions and privacy policies, and you acknowledge that we are not liable for the use of your personal information by any such third parties. We strongly recommend you read these third party policies, and the terms and conditions attaching to the third party offerings, prior to access or use. Here is a list of Third Party Services used by Devil Xing Studio.

Use & Disclosure of Information :

In general, we will not use or disclose personal information about you otherwise than for the purpose of providing or offering goods and services to you, for any other purpose that you may reasonably expect, for any other purpose authorized by law, or for any other purposes disclosed to or authorized by you. This may include disclosures to organizations that provide us with professional advice, such as solicitors, accountants and business advisors. We will, wherever possible, maintain personal information in strict confidence. Any disclosure that is required to be made to any third party will be made primarily for the purpose of providing or offering goods and services to you.

In addition, the company may use third party services to collect non-personal information from the user but requires such third party to comply with Children Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) and other applicable laws.

Changes to the Privacy Policy :

Company reserves the right to change this policy at any time, so please revisit this page frequently. In case of any material change, we will make reasonable efforts to post a clear notice on the Service. If you have any questions feel free to send us an email to

Privacy Policy for Devil Xing Studio:

We may ask the following information with user consensus: Name Contact information including email address.

We obtain Demographic information such as location, preferences and interests Other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons. We may use the information to improve our products and services. We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information, which we think you may find interesting using the email address, which you have provided. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email or through Facebook. We may use the information to customize the game according to your interests.

Developers Email :

We will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
